Customers - your customers - are demanding 24/7/365 access to your products and services. They are also demanding access to you via multiple channels. Whilst a primary contact method is still by phone, it's clear that Gen Y and Gen Z in particular are showing a distinct preference for the e-channel.
That said, customers will always demand choice. Drive them into a situation where customer service is solely via self-service, and you risk losing them.
We'll work closely with you to help you develop an omni-channel service strategy that engages with all your customers - giving them choice and a great experience.
The window of opportunity is closing fast. There's a real risk that organisations that fail to embrace an omni-channel presence will cease to exist. Yet evidence shows that organisations with a consistent cross-channel service offering will steal a march on their competition and thrive in
Remember, Gens Y and Z have grown up aided by the rapid expansion of TV channels, MTV, DAB and internet radio, the web and e-zines. Gen Z, in particular, has grown up with a highly sophisticated media and computer environment and are much more Internet savvy and expert than their Gen Y forerunners. These are now your customers, and they demand to be heard!
Develop Life people have a number of years' experience in the changing face of customer contact. We can help you meet your customer expectations and avoid disappointment, helping you to connect with them on their terms. In doing this, we can: